3 Fun Beach Games for Families

Beach Time Fun for the Whole Family
Is there anything worse than finding yourself bored while on vacation? At Ocean Landings Resort, we know that downtime can be great, but having too much time to do nothing can ruin a great vacation. Instead, keep the whole family entertained with three of our favorite beach games to play at our Cocoa Beach resort!

Beach Volleyball
Our first favorite family beach game is the classic beach volleyball! This game can be fun and active for the whole family, and you can customize the game and rules to fit your family endlessly. Don’t have a net? Draw a line in the sand or build a sand barrier to separate the two sides! If you’ve got younger children who need a softer ball, a regular beach ball will work perfectly! There are so many ways to play and it’s always a great time!

Beach Bowling
Why not enjoy another classic while on the beach with a beach version of bowling? Create an improvised version of bowling by lining up bottles or buckets and rolling a beach ball at them, or bring a beach bowling set to maximize your fun!

Beach Scavenger Hunt
What’s more fun than finding treasures along the beautiful Cocoa Beach? Making a game out of it! Decide with the rest of the family which items you want to find, like certain types of shells, seaweed, rocks, sand crabs, and more, then give everyone a time limit, and search! Once your time limit is up, gather up and compare finds, and whoever finds the most gets a treat!